Request for Proposals for Legal Services
July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2022
The Village of Taos Ski Valley is requesting proposals for legal services as stated below:
- Purpose. This request for proposal (RFP) is to contract for legal services to provide the Village of Taos Ski Valley for the above specified fiscal years, with an option to renew services for an additional four (4) years. The contract will be reviewed on an annual basis.
- Who May Respond: Only attorneys who are currently licensed to practice law in New Mexico and maintain an office in the following counties may respond to this RFP:
Taos County
Mora County
Rio Arriba County
Bernalillo County
Santa Fe County
- Instructions on Proposal Submission.
- Proposals shall be submitted in an envelope marked RFP #2018-04 and directed to the Certified Purchasing Officer
- An original document and 3 copies should be submitted in the package.
- Closing Submission Date. Proposals must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM (MST) on April 13, 2018 to the above address. Note that there is no guaranteed overnight delivery to the Village of Taos Ski Valley.
Nancy Grabowski, Certified Purchasing Officer
Village of Taos Ski Valley
PO Box 100, 7 Firehouse Road
Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525
(575)-776-8220 ext. #2
- Conditions of Proposal. All costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal responding to this RFP will be the responsibility of the Offeror and will not be reimbursed.
Village of Taos Ski Valley, (hereinafter referred to as (VTSV).
- Instructions to Prospective Contractors. Your proposal should be addressed as follows:
Nancy Grabowski, Certified Purchasing Officer
Village of Taos Ski Valley
PO Box 100, 7 Firehouse Road
Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525
It is important that the Offeror’s proposal be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked in the lower left‐hand corner with the following information:
Request for Proposal #2018-04
April 13, 2018 4:00PM (MST)
SEALED PROPOSAL for Legal Services
Failure to do so may result in premature disclosure of your proposal. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to insure that the proposal is received by VTSV, by the date and time specified above. Late proposals will not be considered.
- Right to Reject. VTSV reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP. A contract for the accepted proposal will be drafted based upon the factors described in this RFP.
G Right to Terminate RFP. Should the Village of Taos Ski Valley determine that the RFP needs to be terminated, VTSV reserves the right to terminate all or part of this RFP.
- Small and/or Minority‐Owned Businesses. Efforts will be made by VTSV to utilize small businesses, women and/or minority owned businesses. Offeror qualifies as a small business firm if it meets the definition of “small business” as established by the Small Business Administration (13 C.F.R. § 121.201).
- Notification of Award. It is expected that a decision selecting the successful Firm will be made within four (4) weeks of the closing date for the receipt of proposals. Upon conclusion of final negotiations with the successful Firm and confirmation of the VTSV council, all Offerors submitting proposals in response to this Request for Proposal will be informed, in writing, of the name of the successful consultant. It is expected that the contract shall be for four (4) years and reviewed on an annual basis. The contract may be renewed for an additional four (4) years with annual review and negotiations.
- Description of Entity. VTSV, The Village of Taos Ski Valley is a small municipality of approximately 70 full time residents that also services a world class ski area in the state of New Mexico. At peak times during the winter months, the Village services may accommodate up to 5,000 guests.
VTSV has an annual budget of approximately $5M and is governed by a mayor and a four (4) member council. The council and mayor are all elected officials and serve four year terms. The council has 12 monthly meetings, currently occurring on the second (2nd) Tuesday of each month. There are occasional special meetings for emergency situations as well.
VTSV employs nineteen (19) people when fully staffed including.
Village Administrator Public Works Director
Village Clerk Building
Police/DPS 3 Planning
Finance Director Administrative Assistant/2
Public Works Staff/ 8
Administrative offices are located at the base of Taos Ski Valley, 7 Firehouse Road, Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525. In fall of 2018 it is anticipated that the main Village office will move to 1346 Hwy 150, Taos Ski Valley.
Village of Taos Ski Valley’s mission: Providing infrastructure & services to a World Class Ski Resort Community
- SCOPE OF SERVICES. The Offeror shall be readily available to perform the following legal services, as requested by the Village of Taos Ski Valley Mayor, Council and Administrator:
- Review, draft, and negotiate contracts and leases
- Advise on New Mexico state and Federal laws as they apply to municipalities
- Advise on human resources and employment matters
- Review personnel, fiscal and other policies, as well as Village Ordinances and resolutions
- Attend Village Council, Planning and Zoning and committee meetings as necessary
- Advise on bonding issues
- Advise on responses to subpoenas, court orders, and requests for information from third parties
- Defend lawsuits, administrative claims, or other legal claims
- Conduct litigation as necessary
- Advise on bonding issues
- Familiarity with TIDDS and PIDS
- Other legal services as needed
Although it is preferable for an attorney or firm to submit a proposal covering all of the above areas, VTSV will consider proposals for subsets of these areas.
Offeror shall be prepared to submit detailed billing statements, subtotaled by project, for all services billed at an hourly rate, if any, broken down into time increments of no more than a tenth of an hour.
III. PROPOSAL CONTENTS. The Offeror, in its proposal, shall, as a minimum, include the following;
- Legal Experience. The Offeror should describe its legal experience, including the names, addresses, contact persons, and telephone numbers of at least three clients, preferably including clients similar to VTSV. Experience should include the following categories:
- Experience working with New Mexico Municipalities
- Knowledge of New Mexico and Federal laws
- Experience advising clients regarding personnel matters, contracts, policies, ordinance and resolutions
- Knowledge of TIDDs and PIDS
- Knowledge of bonding regulations
- Organization, Size, Structure, and Areas of Practice. If the Offeror is a firm, it should describe its organization, size, structure, areas of practice, and office location(s). Indicate, if appropriate, if the firm is a small or minority/owned business. Also include copy of Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy, if the firm has one.
- Attorney Qualifications. The Offeror should describe the qualifications of attorneys to be assigned to the representation and how they relate to section III A in this RFP. Descriptions should include:
- Professional and education background of each attorney.
- Overall supervision to be exercised.
- Prior experience of the individual attorneys with respect to the required experience listed above. Only include resumes of attorneys likely to be assigned to the representation. Education, position in firm, years and types of experience, and continuing professional education will be considered.
- Price. The Offeror’s proposed price should include information on the hourly billing rates of each attorney or other legal staff who are expected to work on this representation and charges for expenses, if any, such as legal research, copies, and faxes. Also include a monthly flat fee that would be charged to advise on routine matters that could be handled over the telephone or otherwise without extensive research or other legal work. VTSV reserves the right to negotiate with the Offeror on the structure of the billing and/or retainer fee.
- Submission of Proposals. All proposals shall include an original and three (3) copies of the RFP response.
- Evaluation Procedure and Criteria. VTSV’s Certified Purchasing Officer, Administrator and appropriate staff will review proposals and make recommendations to the Mayor and Council for final approval. The Mayor and Council may request a meeting with some qualified Offerors prior to final selection. Proposals will be reviewed in accordance with the following criteria:
- Proposed approach to scope of work.
- Level of experience of the individual(s) identified to work with VTSV.
- The Offeror’s experience with similar clients and legal matters.
- Response from references.
- Cost.
- Interviews, if conducted.