The Public Safety Committee, with guidance from qualified sources, provides advice to the Village Council on safety issues in the Village and surrounding areas. The Committee discusses safety issues brought to their attention by citizens and businesses in the area, consults with experts in various fields, arrives at possible solutions, and brings recommendations before the Village Council.
The Public Safety Committee and Firewise Community Board meet monthly, usually on the first Monday of the month, from 10am to 12 noon. Meetings are live, either on ZOOM or in the Club Room of the Inn at Taos Valley
Please see our calendar for current dates, time & location.
The Committee consists of:
Henry Caldwell, Chair mail to:
Jim Woodard
Mitch Daniels
Kent Kiehl
Ben Pitz
The link below is a half hour conversation summarizing and analyzing the value of the 2018 International Wildland Urban Interface Code. Karl Fippinger, Vice-President of ICC Fire and Disaster Mitigation interviews Kevin Scott, Principal of KH Scott and Associates, Fire and Life Safety Consultants of Bakersfield, CA. I found it an excellent way to understand the intentions and mechanisms that brought this International Code into existence and how it has progressed during that time. I recommend it as a quick and easy primer to acquaint yourself to this code.
Thank you, Jalmar Bowden
Discussing the 2018 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code Podcast
Public Safety Documents
Read the Public Safety: Agendas and Minutes