The Village’s Planning and Zoning Commission oversees planning and zoning functions within the Village. The Commission’s primary function is to administer two ordinances, the zoning ordinance and the subdivision ordinance. Under the zoning ordinance, the Commission approves zone changes, conditional use permits and variance requests. Under the subdivision ordinance, the Commission approves subdivisions within the Village. The Commission regularly reviews these ordinances and recommends changes to the Village Council.
The Commission adopts a comprehensive plan for the Village, which is a general plan that guides development in the Village. Under the general direction of the Village Council, they develop the Village’s capital improvements plan that prioritizes capital projects within the Village.
Read the P&Z Meeting Agendas & Minutes »
The Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor and Village Council. The current membership consists of the following:
- Tom Wittman, Chair
- Henry Caldwell
- Bob Corroon
- Yvette Klinkmann
- Susan Nichols
- Scott Hall
- Jim Woodard
All P&Z meetings are open to the public. Unless otherwise scheduled all monthly meetings are planned as such, according to their individual open meetings act resolutions. P&Z meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. via zoom.